DCP: Move in Day!

I know everybody and their mother has covered what move in day is all about but I want to add my two cents about this whole triple occupancy thing. And also to talk about myself because that’s my favorite topic ;)

dcp adventure

Three of my roommates and I had stayed a couple nights at Disney’s All-Star Music Resort so we woke up bright and early and only had a short-ish drive over to check in. I was scheduled for the earlier check-in with one of my roommates while the other four were at the second one. Since I didn’t bring a car down I got a ride with my other early check-in roomie and off we went. The line was already long-ish when we arrived and it was barely past the start of the check-in window. After waiting a bit we found out that we were definitely roommates (hooray!) and were living in Chatham (also hooray!). That was also when I found out that I would be working in the marina a for my recreation role, but more on that later.

We got our keys and checked in a few other places and then I found out he roommate who brought me to check-in and was supposed to drive us to the apartment had her casting right away. So I was stranded! Thankfully the cast members running check in put me on a bus that went from Vista to Chatham and I was the first one into the apartment. I set up the internet right away because I am nothing without my wifi and then claimed a bed. We hadn’t exactly talked about the whole bunk bed situation before then other than if somebody absolutely didn’t want the top bunk. I chose the semi-lofted single bed because I’m used to them. I probably should have waited until everybody was there so we could have all picked beds, especially since I also picked the largest room, but that’s just a lesson to you all: discuss things beforehand if you get that triple occupancy email!

One of my roommates had recently had arm surgery and she was the next person to show up so I helped her get all of her stuff from her car. I only had two suitcases and my two carry-ons so it was nothing to get my things inside. Everybody else showed up and we moved them in and the rest of the day was mostly spent attempting to find where to put everything. We didn’t find out for a while that we were able to use 3M Command strips so the apartment was super boring looking for ages.

We went shopping at Target to buy food and apartment stuff like bed pillows (necessary) and a cute shower curtain (obviously also necessary) that night and I spent far too much money. It ended up being so worth it, though, because the apartment started feeling more like home and less like an alien planet that I was visiting. It definitely still feels a bit odd, but I think it’ll get better once I start working regularly!

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